We are seeing more questions from customers who are using Rhino and Orca3D with 4K graphics cards and monitors. In some cases users have had issues viewing Orca3D dialog boxes, depending on their settings. If you read the Rhino Discourse forum, you will see that some users have also experienced issues with Rhino itself.


We have done some research into the issues with Orca3D and now do some of our testing on a system equipped with 4K graphics. Here is a summary of what we have found, together with some recommendations:

  • You should always update to the latest Service Release of Rhino (https://www.rhino3d.com/download/)
  • You should always update to the latest version of Orca3D (https://orca3d.com/pages/version2)
  • You should keep your graphics drivers up to date (visit the manufacturers website)
  • With the Windows font scaling set at the normal 100%, there are no known issues with Orca3D
  • With font scaling set at 150%, the bottom of the Hydrostatics and Stability dialog begins to be cut off; with any larger scaling, the dialog will become unusable because the buttons at the bottom are no longer visible. This is because there is some custom dialog sizing logic related to showing/hiding the Custom Conditions portion of the form.
  • When you change your font scaling, you must re-start Rhino to see the effect.

(The Hydrostatics & Stability dialog with 150% font scaling. Notice that the bottom of the dialog is beginning to be cut off.)


If you find other issues even after updating Rhino, Orca3D, and your graphics drivers, and re-sizing your font scaling to 150% or less, please contact us at support@orca3d.com.


Thank you for your continued use of Orca3D!