If you want to see the lift forces on a vessel due purely to dynamic flow effects, it is easily accomplished by defining a custom plot variable in SimericsMP. To define the dynamic pressure as custom plot variables in time history plots, you need to subtract the hydrostatic pressure at each location and time step during the simulation (which is typically different than that at rest due to the heave and pitch of the model). You need to subtract rhoW * g * z (water density * gravitational acceleration * vertical location relative to static free surface) integrated over all of the cell faces on the model that are below z = 0. To add this to the time history plot output you can add the following expressions in the Expression Editor before starting the simulation.
There are a few things to note in the above expressions. First, we just included hull and transom boundaries, but if you have others that are below the free surface (like rudders) you will need to add them as well. Second, the static pressure due to air on the topside is being neglected for simplicity since it is small. Finally, we are approximating the hydrostatic pressure based on the wet portion of the hull below the calm free surface. This neglects the instantaneous free-surface wave contour on the hull, typically expected to be fairly small for displacement vessels.
When you run the simulation and create a new XY plot, if you select the "Common" module in the Model panel you should see three new variables (gaugePressureZ, staticPressureZ, and dynamicPressureZ) as shown below.