You can save a view or layout, and then use that same view or layout in other simulations.
To save a view, first arrange the view that you want in the active viewport. Now, click the Named View Storage icon:
Enter a View Name and click Store.
Now you are able to reuse this view while in this simulation, by clicking the Named View Storage icon, selecting the view, and clicking on Apply. This information is stored in the simlation folder, with the file extension .sdsp (Simerics Display). You should click File/Save to save the changes.
To use the same view in a different simulation, start by opening that simulation. Again, click the Named View Storage icon. Then click Browse, and select the .sdsp file from the folder of the simulation where you stored the view. The stored views will now show up in the list, and you can select your view and click Apply.
This same process applies for Layouts so that you can control multiple viewports at once; when you store the Layout, change "View Name" to "Layout Name:"